January 1, 2016

A Lifetime of Adventures

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The front cover of my new 2016 calendar.

The new year is upon us! Happy New Year to all my new and old readers, I hope you’ve all stuffed yourself with food and had lots of fun over the holiday season.

Unlike most years, I didn’t stay up to midnight like I usually do and that’s because of the lack of sleep the night before mixed in with work/university stress. I missed the family fireworks we host every new year and the London fireworks show but I did get a lovely catch up when I woke up this morning to rain and harsh winds. Ah, lovely England!

I think one of the things I was most excited about starting a new year was the opening and hanging of my new 2016 calendar. Isn’t it adorable? I bought it from an online shop, notonthehighstreet and absolutely love it! It’s something to gaze at and get lost in my day dream as I study.

2015 was definitely a year for me: I finished my first year at university, got another job and quit my first awful retail job, had the most interviews I’ve had in a year and started this blog up again. Whilst all the while learning more about myself and from that, going through self-development.

I don’t usually do New Year’s resolutions because when I did do them before, I’d just disappoint myself when I did reach out for Dominos pizza’s phone number 4 days in a row or skipped a run because I couldn’t be bothered to get out of bed. This disappointment leads to a very unproductive attitude for a few weeks which I really dislike.

Unproductiveness puts me down, making me wish – more than ever – on an undo button. But this year I do want to set some resolutions that are more than just stop eating pizza or put the pizza down…

Join Zumba again – I’ve been telling myself to go again for months now but I kept putting it off because of the growing anxiety that reappeared in my life last year. I’m definitely going this time though (after exams), I even got some friends to do it with me. Familiar faces reduce my anxiety and not to mention make it all a lot more fun! Also, much more fun than joining the gym in my opinion.

Stop being a pushover: I am the biggest, I mean, BIGGEST push over ever. My best friend has constantly been telling me for years that I need to let this trait of mine go because people will constantly walk all over me and… they do. Slowly but surely, the Sasha Fierce within me will come out. *flicks hair

Read more books! A goal of 8. This is a lot for me because of my busy schedule!

Keep up with the university/part time job balance: Plan, plan, plan. I started doing this at the end of last year which has been working but when I do slip up on the schedule I tend to stress out way too much so I really need to keep on top of everything.

Sleep more: last year I probably slept 60% less than I have ever had in my whole life.

Appreciate and give more: I often feel “relatively deprived” from things when I look at how other people run their lives, what they have etc. So, I want to be more aware of the things I have, the people I love around me rather than comparing myself to others. I’ve been thinking of giving blood for a while now – this year I will do it!

And some other things I have planned for this year:

  • Fingers crossed: an internship or work experience for the summer/year out.
  • I want to do a lot of creative work when I have time e.g re-learn Photoshop and learn photography.
  • Buy a camera!
  • Limit money spending on things like clothes. C’mon girl, you have enough.
  • Vlog?? At least one, don’t be shy.
  • Get on the train and visit at least two new places!

I’ll be sure to be taking you all with me (through this blog!), the whole time. Thank you for all the comments over the past half-ish year. A special shout out to Kya for allowing me the chance to do blogging, design and coding all over again!

Me & my sister for New Years! ⭐

Also: New year, new layout.

I’ve added a page where you can see all my previous layouts and some comments about them, I love making them a bit personal rather than just a layout for the sake of it! This one is inspired by my hilly hometown.

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Pawlean.com’s favicon/logo & 2013 me with my fiery, ombré hair.

I’ve also got a new favicon/logo for my blog made by my boyfriend a long time ago, it’s supposed to be me with my excessive love for makeup and the “fiery” hair I used to sport for years.

Happy New Year lovelies! Let me know what you’re up to this year!

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Новая шина

Pauline is passionate about everything Social media. She is the leader of a number of online communities and spends her days building them for businesses.


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Tiff K

Happy New Year Pauline! Lovely new layout. Boy the cover photo just makes me want to jump in it and see the countryside.

Good luck on the resolutions! Definitely sleep more and read more books are part of my goals for this year as well.

And i love your calendar!! 😀 Cheers to more blogging!



A very late Happy New Year!
I love the new layout and the favicon!!
I hope you achieve all the goals you have set for the year!


Good luck with all your goals for 2016!

I really hope manage to find a good balance between work and university. It can be really hard, but fortunately when I was in my second year of uni I managed to find a job that was super flexible with my studies. Don’t over work yourself!

I’m hoping to read more books too. I’m sure I say that every year, but this year I’m determined to read some of the great classic novels out there.

Maroon Caludin

Don’t be too hard on yourself! Regardless of if you do what you set out to do long as you try its good!

But those are some nice goals. Yay reading! XD Good luck!


I like the new layout, damn that banner is really striking. Loving the style! I’m working on something new myself, haha. Was not really for the new year but I had some small changes planned and it just ended up being a bigger project. ?

I have been known to let people walk all over me and treat me like shit. 🙁 I am sure you will be able to fight people back and be more defensive. I think it may be because you are really nice to people and they take advantage of that – at least that is how it worked in my situation. You can do it! You can stand up for yourself and show people you won’t let them use you. 😀

I love the favicon! I also love the red hair haha, you probably guessed that red is my favourite colour to colour my hair. I had blonde once but disliked it and I found myself just reverting to the red. On another note, my favicon is a boring triangle. 😛

I hope you have a much happier 2016 with some more sleep indeed! You deserve it, you worked so hard last year. <3


What a wonderful and beautiful post, Pauline! You and I have a lot of things in common. For instance, I too, have made a goal to read at least 20 books before the year is up. That might be extreme, but I hope to accomplish it.

Like you, I too, get discouraged by New Year’s resolutions because some times I would just give up on them half way through the year, or not do them at all. This year, is different and I can feel it. I am glad that you are able to get a new job fine and sleep more.

Did you know that the actor James Franco only sleeps when he absolutely has too? He looks stoned out of his mind because of that reason. He is an artist, college student, and actor. I feel that way too, some times. I feel that I don’t want to sleep, but my body gives up sometimes and refuses to stay awake. Plus, I have this nervous system that needs some 6 or more hours of sleep. If not, I have an ‘Earthquake’ aka petite mall seizure. Don’t worry, it’s just a twitching thing that happens and I stay in one place.

Anyways, I wish you all the luck in the world for your resolutions and goals. By the way, I love the new layout!


I think I’m in love with your new layout!~ I love love it! I’m having Georgie make me layout and I can’t wait to see it when it’s done <3

I kept all my resolutions and I'm keeping my new ones too. Mine has always been simply be a better you every year. Keep growing, keep learning, and keep maturing. Happy new year~