
Friends call me Paw, and some even spell my name as “Pawlean“.

“Accidentally” wearing my blog colours

I’m a 28 year old human on a mission to live my healthiest, happiest and most fulfilling life. My blog is a place to document as much of that as possible.

I grew up online: updating my websites via FileZilla, tweeting since 2009 and creating communities in the “blogosphere“.

Original tweet

Where is home?

My accent keeps people guessing; I’ve been told I sound Aussie and American. But none of those is correct, and to be honest, I’m still trying to understand what accent I have. 🤪 You can judge for yourself by watching a video or listening to me on a podcast.

For the past 16 years, I’ve called Sheffield, a small green city in the North of England, my home. Though on the road, I sometimes tell people I’m from London or Manchester to avoid having to explain where my magical, alpaca-filled home is.

Although I call the UK my home, the Philippines will always be my home-home which explains why 90% of my conversations are about missing the sun.

In the last two years, I’ve been solo-travelling across Europe and eventually found another home in Greece where I now hilariously try to avoid the sun at peak times. 😆

Pauline in Greece
Photo by @whitsworldview

Fun facts

Pauline hosting "CDE Universe" conference in San Francisco
Speaking at CDE Universe 2023 in San Francisco

Being a “multi-hyphenate”

The multi-hyphenate, an individual with so many skills they need multiple hyphens to list them, might seem like a revolutionary form of labour agency within a prescriptive job market.

I’m a believer that anyone can learn anything with time and determination, my story is a great example of that. I don’t hold a Computer Science degree; my interest in tech sparked as I grew up on the internet, building websites for fun.

I now work at Vercel leading community efforts.

Previously, I worked as Head of Community at Gitpod for three years (2021 – 2024), a DevOps Engineer (2021), Site Reliability Engineer, Digital Engineering Graduate (2020), and Biomedical Sciences student (2018).

Learn more about my story into tech on my portfolio.

Speaking at the Inspire Women in Tech Conference in Nottingham in 2018

While I love my tech career, I try not to be defined solely by my job title.

I’m also a daughter of Filipino migrants, a sister (or your online sister), an explorer, a creative media enthusiast, a community builder, a speaker, a powerlifter, and a writer.

In other words, I’m a multi-hyphenate. 😁