December 2, 2016

November, For Me

Hello, December! I can’t believe it’s already the final month of 2016. This year has been an aggressive roller coaster ride, but despite the difficulties I’ve faced, I’m determined to finish the year with the biggest smile on my face and a positive reflection of what I’ve achieved this year!

Let’s take a quick look back at November…

Main Highlights

  • I am one of those people who start getting into that festive feeling in mid-November. I enjoyed seeing the Christmas markets establish throughout my own city in Sheffield and elsewhere with great company.
  • I went to Manchester and did a crazy amount of shopping for Black Friday. I got to see my favourite online store, Missguided IRL!
Missguided Shopping
I cannot begin to express my love for Missguided…
  • Completed the Code First: Girls course as an ambassador and taught some of the participants along the way. This role has been extremely rewarding and I’m already so excited to continue next Spring semester into the Advanced courses.
  • My year out work placement: I enter into my 3 months+ monthsary, I’m really enjoying the knowledge of the Higher Education sector and the valuable skills I’m gaining throughout. Also, I’ve been involved in a new project after being recommended for the position because of my thorough experience with website design! Who knew my 8-year-old hobby would get me so far!

I’m happy because…

  • 💪🏼 I’m waking up feeling stronger, healthier and confident! Thank you FitnessBlender.
  • 💼 Placement in going great – I say this every round-up but I’m very lucky to have such a supporting team around me.
  • ✏ My blog reached a peak in views and I’ve gained a few new readers. With some, I even met in real life – hello, and thanks for reading!
  • 🌎 I just booked a holiday abroad with one of my long-time friends for next year. This will be my first time traveling without my family, but I am SO exhilarated by the opportunity to explore with one of my coolest girlfriends.
Basically sisters 👯
  • 🎁 I received a very thoughtful gift all the way from South Africa from a very special friend, thank you for taking the time to understand me, Vidya!

Next month I will…

  • Blog every week! I missed a week or two last week because of my lack of a laptop!
  • Do the last push of work before the Christmas holidays
  • Relax.

Monthly favourites

📚 Books:
Girl on the train – completed it and it’s my new favourite book. The movie was mind blowing too.

💄 Beauty:
It’s getting festive so out come the red lips! I currently use the one by NYX Professional Matte Lipstick.

🎶 Music:

Quote of the Month

I hope you remember today that if you slip up you can restart your day at any time. You don’t have to wait till the next day to start over. Just sit down, breathe for a few minutes, and start again.

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I love that sweater-top on you! The choker neck is so flattering. ? And you look so good in the t-shirt dress, it’s been a while since I’ve worn one myself haha. I’ve been liking more fitting clothes, but I recently thought it’s probably time to move on from tube dresses because they keep riding up. ?

It’s so awesome that you have met some new friends and had more readers to your blog! I’ve found that attending some events has helped me in that regard too. And I am really happy for you that you have a new project because of your coding experience! *bounces with delight*

My first time travelling alone and without my parents was in 2013, but my first time travelling even without a friend was earlier this year. It can be really exciting ?


Sounds like a really good month of november for you 🙂 it’s really great to hear you’ve been doing great with your goals. Keep it up! Hope you are having a great December so far 🙂


Love that outfit on the left from Missguided! I did a bit of Black Friday shopping this year, though I did it all online. I don’t really like the crowds that happen during Black Friday or Cyber Monday!

Sounds like you had a great November with Code First and with the new project at your work placement 🙂 I’m also glad to hear that you’re feeling stronger and healthier! You’re doing awesome on your workouts. That’s exciting that you’ve booked a holiday with your friend too. Both times I went to Japan were with my husband and a friend. I love exploring new places with good friends!

I hope you’re having a great December!


I am the same way! Once Christmas starts to feel close around mid-November, I get so excited for the holiday season! I always wait until after our Thanksgiving to start putting up decorations and everything, but I’m definitely already in the Christmas spirit and listen to Christmas music! It looks like you got some good Black Friday finds – I got quite a bit of shopping this year on Black Friday so that was a good way to end the month for me.

I love your little “I’m happy because” section that you include. I love the optimism, and it’s always good to be thankful for the little things. 🙂

I love that quote at the end. Sometimes I can let little things or something that someone said ruin my day, but it’s good to remember to just take a minute, breathe, refresh and restart.


Glad to hear you’re enjoying your work placement. It must be great to gain so much experience before you’ve even graduated!

I’ve started getting Christmassey too! I put my tree up and wrapped presents before December had even started. I love Christmas!

Hope you manage to blog once a week in December. I accidentally had a month off. Oops. Gonna try and actually plan posts this month, so hopefully I won’t get behind again!


Wow, what a great year you had! I started a whole fitness thing at the start of the year and it lasted till April but then I couldn’t keep it up due to job change, wedding planning and buying a house. I plan to get back into it in Jan. FitnessBlender is great! I love their videos, so easy to follow and they really work!


Yay for your November accomplishments 😀 There’s nothing wrong with feeling festive midway through November 🙂 And woot for the travelling plans! I am now curious on where you are going with your friend. Travelling with friends is definitely a great experience 😀

Get a lot of relaxing done this month. It’s always good to be able to just let things go. As the Lion King guys says — “it means no worries, for the rest of your days!”


I love the holiday spirit! Congratulations on reaching your 3 months at your work! It’s awesome to see you learn and grow from the experience (while making money, ehhh?)

Good to see you going strong with going to the gym! I’m looking forward to reading about your holiday abroad! Definitely get some relaxation in this month. The holidays = perfect time to sit back and relax ;).

Keep slaying 😉


Looks like you’ve had a good month, glad things are all going smoothly for you! We never got to do a placement year in my course but it seems very handy in terms of preparing you for the actual real world, regardless, happy that’s also working out. 🙂 Are you doing a year out teaching? I remember you’re really into science?

Best of luck with next months goals!!


I love this post! It’s so positive and I’m excited for your goals and accomplishments. I love reading and seeing people set goals and working to accomplish them. It’s just so motivating.

I’ve been meaning to read Girl on the Train for a while now, and I’m so glad to hear that you love it. I guess that’s moving up higher on my long list of books to read. ^^;; And yesss for red lipsticks!