December 27, 2016

December, For Me

The last month of the year is already coming to it’s end – how weird. I say this every year but it’s just crazy how life passes by so quickly – which is why we should always strive to do things that make us happy and be with people who make us happy!

A big kid with a big smile


  • I was rewarded on my placement for all the work I’ve done so far! I’m really excited to see what the rest of my placement has in store.
  • I started reading books and listening to podcasts by the minimalists and it’s inspired me! ✨
  • Watched Frozen On Ice – it was amazzzzzzinng!
  • Christmas happened. The 3 main things that made Christmas for me were family, friends and food.


The annual twin-sister photo by the tree photo. See last year’s here.
  • Decluttering attempt 1 – I managed to clear out and donate 4 – 5 bags of my old stuff that served no purpose to me anymore including old clothes, jewellery and the very little books I had. I also sold a few more “valuable” items on eBay and Depop!
  • Christmas was spent surrounded by my loved ones. I was overwhelmed by the love and thoughtful gifts from everyone, I am so grateful
  • ❄ After asking and asking, I finally got my sister to watch Frozen with me (it was a real challenge, let me tell you!) She didn’t appreciate my singing but I think she enjoyed it!
  • I received Christmas cards from all over the world – thank you, Tara, Georgie, Rezina, Cat, Amy, Chynna, Becca ❤
  • I’m not working in retail this year! It’s so freeeeeing!



  • The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying: A simple, effective way to banish clutter forever by Marie Kondo
  • Everything that Remains by the minimalists



I took the plunge this month and upgraded the current weights I use at home to the Powerblock Sport 2.4 Adjustable Dumbbells.

I found out about Powerblocks from FitnessBlender and since I wanted to decrease the clutter in the house, I thought an adjustable dumbbell would be a lot better than having multiple weights scattered everywhere. So far, I’m impressed!


A photo posted by Smack Bang Designs (@smackbangdesigns) on

How was your Christmas?

Next blog post will be in the future ~

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Congrats on being rewarded on your placement! That’s awesome! I’m glad you had a good Christmas and spent it with people you love 🙂 Nice job on the de-cluttering too! I recently donated a few boxes of clothing and kitchen supplies, and it felt soooo good. I want to do more of it now, haha.

Oohh, I never thought of trying adjustable dumbbells. That does sound a lot nicer than having so many different dumbbells around. I might have to look into that!

Sounds like you had a nice end to the year! Happy new year!


I did a double-take at your first photo because I didn’t recognise you at first XD But you look so adorable and all ready for the holidays!

Yay for de-cluttering! I need to do that desperately on my end, but I’m so lazy, haha! I’ve at least de-cluttered some stuff this year, but not enough . . . Woot for reading 🙂 Can’t get into podcast, but I can fully join you on the reading spree ^^

And here’s to a great 2017 to you, Pauline. Keep it up with everything!


Congrats Pauline.
I’m dropping by after so many days here!
I have manage to declutter so much from my life after I shifted to a new city for my internship that it feels refreshing. There are still some stuff left in my parents house, which I’m looking for options to give it all away.
I have decided to start working out from this new year so I hope I will be able to stick to the resolution and manage to shred some pounds and I do like the FitnessBlender videos too!


YES! Always strive for happiness while being happy. Congratulations on being rewarded at your work. I’m proud of your accomplishments from this placement alone. You’ve done a lot and I’m sure you made a difference one way or another. I love how Frozen is becoming a modern day classic when it comes to wintery musicals and such. I’m glad you got to spend Christmas with your loved ones rather than being stuck in retail ;).

My Christmas was good. I spent the day scrambling around to pack up my goods for the trip XD.


It has been so wonderful to read your blog over the past year and to see a lot of positivity reach into your life through your various activities and commitment to being healthier in body and mind. You are a great inspiration and I can only wish you the best for 2017! 🙂


I’m going to try and get rid of some stuff in the new year, because my house is just too full! I have a wardrobe full of clothes and I wear less than half of what’s in there. Think I’ll be getting at least one of those books for my Kindle!

Glad you had a lovely Christmas. I’m used to having quiet Christmases with just my parents and sister, but since getting with Andy I’ve had to adjust to huge family gatherings. Luckily, I really enjoy them, and it was so lovely to see everyone this year!

I’m glad you got your sister to watch Frozen. I love it so much!

Happy New Year for Sunday!

Bia S.

Hi new reader here! Congratulations on your achievements for this year! I envy you for watching Frozen on Ice, I wanted to watch that kind of show someday.

Happy Holidays!

Bia S. |


Great that you are not working in retail this year as you get to enjoy your Christmas holidays! I need to start to declutter my room too. Good job!


I absolutely adore the Life Changing Magic of Tidying. However, I’ve been struggling with the konmari method since I never give myself enough time and then I leave my closet half done… I think I’ve attempted it at least twice now but I’m not as disciplined as I should be….

Ah I should really look into buying concert tickets for The Weeknd before it’s too late..

It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas. Family, food, and friends. Yup. that sums it up for me too.


My Christmas went really well. I got to spend some quality time with my family and I am really grateful for that.

I love the song! Normally I don’t listened to The Weeknd but that song is very catchy.

I”m so glad that you had a great December!