April 2, 2017

March, For Me

View of Sheffield from Park Hill

At the start of March, I couldn’t believe how quickly February went by but March has definitely been the quickest month this year! I’ve not blogged as much as I would have liked to (I had planned once every week) because I was all over the place (literally) but now I have so much I want to share!


  • The coding course I am a part of (Code First: Girls) finished for this Spring semester – I now know the basics of Python and made a cool web app with it 🐍
  • Had a fantastic time at International Cultural Evening – there are so many talented people at my University from all over the world!
  • I celebrated International Women’s Day full of love and appreciation to women who inspire me!
  •  Placement updates:
    • Earlier in the month, I ran an event during my placement which I took a lead in organising. The planning and executing process took months starting from around mid-November time. It was a lot of hard work and effort but was a success!
    • Successfully completed one of my long-term projects on my placement! Now I have time for more, did someone say VR?
    • Discovered a place in Sheffield I’ve never been before but only read about in my A Level Sociology books. It was also part of my placement to visit with some students from Korea, it was really fun exploring new places and getting some travel advice to Korea from them πŸ˜†
  • Speaking of travel, I spent two weeks of the month exploring Lisbon πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Ή and Nice πŸ‡«πŸ‡· with my friend, Hamdah. I’ll be posting about that adventure soon in a separate post!


  • πŸ’» The CF: G Spring semester course was one of the most successful yet with the highest quality of project work produced at the end of the course. It was also the most fun! The cohort was just as eager as I am about diversifying tech, with some joining me at the Women In Tech Conference in Nottingham and although the course has now finished, they’re all staying in touch and will be joining me at the Leeds Tech Festival at the end of April! In addition, we’ve had some amazing speakers come in that have spread the positive diversity message. To everyone who has been involved: thank you, you’re all amazing!
  • 🚺 International Women’s Day celebrations was a success!
SS CF: G 2017 – Beginners
  • 🌎 My adventures with Hamdah was such an awesome learning experience. Prior to this, I had never travelled without my family! This time last year, I’d be terrified of getting on trains alone, it’s crazy to me that I did this despite the anxieties and doubts before and minutes before my first flight. Although I still have a lot to go in confidence when it comes to travelling alone, I think I’m heading in the right direction. I definitely couldn’t have done it without Hamdah by my side who was always reassuring me when I got anxious – love ya girl!
  • πŸ“±I bought an iPhone 7 Plus after months of nearly confirming on checkout for months, it’s Rose Gold and makes me happy πŸ˜‚
  • πŸ’Ό I’m 9 months into my placement and have had some great experience so far with so many opportunities!
  • πŸ‘«πŸ‘­ I’ve got such a positive group of friends and family around me, I am so grateful πŸ’–
Above the clouds to Portugual



  • Get back on track with my fitness goals! The holiday has got me out of the routine, but I feel recharged and ready to get me back into that 5 am grind!
  • Continue meditation practice – 10 minutes a day, 286 days and counting πŸ’­ I even got Hamdah to practise with me when we were away and she loved it πŸ™ˆ
  • Continue giving 110% at work!
  • Continue practising gratitude – because it makes me happy and others too! Spreading happiness is what I’m all about ✌🏼




Wearing Gymshark’s Ribbon Crop Top and Dry Sculpture Leggings 😍

“I need to stop my Gymshark obsession” but then I saw purple releases and you know how that went. πŸ™„


Literally all I’ve been listening to:


From my favourite book, milk and honey by rupi kaur

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I usually try to blog at least once a week, I definitely can’t go a week without blogging. That’s usually my limit, before I find I must churn out another post. But real life can get in the way so I do schedule some posts… sometimes. πŸ˜‰

That is cool that you got to visit some Korean students. Nick and I are planning to visit Korea for a few days for our honeymoon. It’s always nice to learn about other countries, especially from people who are from there or live there!

Hamdah totally had your back the whole trip and I was really thrilled (and envious) seeing all the photos. πŸ™‚ You supported each other and took care of each other on the trip! I am glad you felt a little more confident afterwards with the possibility of travelling alone (woo your upcoming trip to NY for example πŸ˜†). Sometimes travelling with a partner can make you feel a little better about going solo. πŸ˜„

Also, I’m totally late but you were HOT AF in that dress!!!!!! πŸ”₯ Keen to catch up on your posts… being a creep catching up on them all now. 😎


Wow! you did do a lot! I just barely made myself go to work everyday πŸ˜›
Fitness… uggg I really need to get back on that track. I went every day for a full 10 weeks straight and then got sick and now I can’t get back into it. I go three days in a row and get lazy again. haha I will try harder soon.
Shape of You has been one of my addiction songs too. β™₯


Wow, your March was crazy but I am glad you got through it!


Traveling alone is such an adventure. I’ve done it twice and I loved the adrenaline that it gave me. I’d do it again in a heartbeat.

I have an iPhone 7+ as well, but in silver. It takes stunning photos!


I have literally just bought Milk and Honey (five minutes ago) and I can’t wait to read it. It’s in my bag right now and I’ll probably have to start reading on the way home! It looks so good and I’ve heard so many great reviews.

The Empowering Women in Tech conference sounds great. You’re coming to Leeds! Omg, Pauline!

I saw an advert for an iPhone 7 last week but it was a hot pink one and I think I need it. I wasn’t planning on upgrading my rose gold 6s at all, but I think I’ll have to now. I need to stop buying phones just for the colour! Hope you’re enjoying your 7 plus!

Congrats on doing so well at work! Can’t wait to hear about your holiday as well!


Congratulations on a productive and eventful month! πŸ™‚ You sound really busy and all but that’s great, it means you’re doing awesome things! πŸ˜€

I saw your photos and tweets about your travels, I would love to read about those adventures soon! πŸ™‚ I can relate to you, before I came here, I’ve never travelled without my family as well. But it’s a great experience travelling with someone new or even alone – and it helps you learn more about yourself too! <3


Glad to see that March was another great month for you. I’m proud of all of your awesome achievements with the organizations you’re part of and the awesome things you do in your placement. It’s awesome that your event was a success! I saw all of your tweets/instagram pics of your fun trip! Looking forward to reading more about the trip soon~

Spreading positive vibes when it comes to diversity is great. We need to always keep our arms open and say no to discrimination. Everyone should have the right to contribute to the greater good!

Congratulations on getting an iPhone 7 Plus! Welcome to the cool iMessages club XD.

Keep on giving your 110% in everything you do! Enjoy your April :).


It looks like you’ve had an exciting month and I’m so glad so many things went well. I’m super jealous that you got to go Nice and Lisbon. From all the pictures I’ve seen on your twitter, those two cities look lovely

That’s exciting that you’re going to your first hackathon. I’ve yet to go to one but if the opportunity comes up, I’ll definitely take it.

Have fun in Amsterdam and have a great April!

Maroon Caludin

Sounds like you had a super busy month, but you also had loads of fun! I gotta get back to meditating myself. XD


Welcome back, Paw!

First off, congratulations on making an app! Honestly, that is so cool. I actually cannot wait until your Lisbon/Nice post and your ‘Dam post when you go. Seeing here living vicariously through everyone who has been away this month!

I am so sad that I won’t be able to go to the tech conference this April, but looking forward to hearing about it from you.

I am so glad you were able to conquer your fear and get out there. I can tell it was definitely worth it and yay for Hamdah! She’s the best <3 Looking forward to hearing more about other adventures. Get out there, girl, the whole world is waiting for you! My first trip without parental supervision wasn't until I was 19. Of course, instead of starting out small I was like, "Bye, guys! Off to China for 4 months!" LOL @ me.

I need your motivation – I've fallen off the fitness band wagon again πŸ˜“ Got to get my head back in the game! Ed Sheeran is ginge babe <3

Hope you have an amazing April!