May 31, 2017

May, For Me

When summer hit Sheffield for 4 days. Also, I recently heard that you can actually wear sunglasses to protect your eyes and not just wear on top of your head as a fashion accessory! I know right!? How strange.

It’s June tomorrow – which means we’re almost halfway through the year, how crazy is that? May has been a pretty busy month, but one of the most exciting so far!


  • πŸ’Ό I updated my CV, sent it off, was invited for an interview and then offered more amazing experience! Not only that, but I also received invaluable feedback which to me is the most important part of the application process. Always make use of feedback – it’s essential for growth!
  • πŸ’» I’ve had some great networking opportunities this month which led to further offers to explore the tech industry – super thankful!
  • πŸ”¬ I joined the MedTech Sheffield group as their new Tech Lead and COO. I’ll be helping them organise their hackathon Spring next year and other events that aim to bring people from different backgrounds together to help solve healthcare and medical problems.
  • πŸ’ƒπŸ» Celebrated Hamdah’s 21st birthday in style
  • πŸŽ‰ Celebrated HackSheffield’s win with Matt and the rest of the HS crew. Thank you for inviting me (any excuses to dress up makes me happy!) πŸ’–
  • β˜• Awesome meetings and catch-ups with a bunch of great people (at awesome places!)
  • πŸ‘” Getting lots of work done during my placement. I have less than 3 months left – I can’t believe it!
  • πŸ’ͺ🏼 Hitting fitness goals every week
  • πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’» I started learning Ruby on Rails – I’ve tried to set an hour every day – it’s empowering! Coding is a superpower. πŸ‘ŠπŸΌ
  • πŸ’œ I’m a part of some awesome projects – more information to follow ~ I am extremely thankful once again for the opportunities!
  • πŸ’Œ I received a postcard from the lovely Tara

Things I’m HAPPY about

 Meeting new people, positive communities and awesome friends

I met some pretty cool people in May.

Borja was one of them. A Computer Science student, interested in cyber security who can also speak Chinese (multi-talented or what?) I’ve enjoyed learning about cyber security from him – more I’d probably ever learn by just reading about it. He also writes blog posts and doesn’t tweet enough. You can also call him Percival because he’s cool like that.

I mentioned in my previous post that I organised a gathering with fellow CF: G instructors. Whenever I don’t see them for a while, I was reminded once again of how strong the community we’ve built together in Sheffield is. The passion for tech and inclusion from them is empowering. I am so proud to be a part of it!

Tara surprised me with a postcard from when she went to Hakodate – thankful for global friends!

And I could talk to you all about Hamdah – how amazing she is, how she motivates me, how happy she makes me…

But oh wait, I have


My anxiety got me really bad at times this month and although meditation and exercise consistently have helped, sometimes it got to the point I was stuck in a circle of negative thoughts. With a little longer and more frequent self-care remedies, I am proud and happy to say that I managed to snap out of it – something I wouldn’t have been able to do before. I’m a lot more in control of myself and I love it. When I compare to how I was last year or in the past in general, I’ve made such a big improvement – healing one step at a time.

The people I’m surrounded by have made this process easier, thank you πŸ’–

Body positivity

In contrast to last month, I have made such a huge improvement in my fitness routine and hitting my goals of working out 6 times a week (this had started turning into 4/5 sometimes 3 last month!) I’ve felt a fresh wave of motivation since seeing more frequent body positivity posts, reading Georgie’s recent post on her fitness journey, bonding with fellow fitness gals at the gym, and of course, buying new Gymshark clothes (oops!)

I posted this on Instagram a few weeks ago about my food choices, mindset, and chase for perfection. The bottom line is: don’t be so hard on yourself for eating a cupcake. You’re still amazing. 

If you follow me on Twitter, you’d know that I was attacked by someone on Instagram because of the workout selfies I post every morning. I admit I was a little upset by it at first but I’ve loads support since – thank you to everyone who sent me a sweet message, I really appreciate it! The messages I was receiving has motivated me to keep on going with my fitness grind.

I love sharing my progress, not only to keep accountable but to motivate others too. I’m exhilarated when I know I’ve helped someone else start or continue! Let’s continue to support each other. πŸ’ͺ🏼

May in pictures

What a sociable month! From left to right: yoga at the peaks, Hamdah’s 21st birthday lunch, hanging out with Borja, CF:G instructor meet-up, Hamdah during exam season, Saturday workout, Eurovision pizza, Activities Awards and Bill’s Resturant.


πŸ“Ί Series

I never thought I’d be writing about a series because I don’t watch much, in fact, the last I saw was probably Friends. πŸ˜… After much persuasion from Matt, I started watching Silicon Valley and now I’m hooked. 🀣

πŸ‰ Food

I didn’t use to like Greek Yogurt (the one I have is by FAGE) but now I always take one to the office, I have it by itself or with berries (yuuuuum!)

🎢 Music

Empowered females empowering other females? Yes, please.

πŸ“ Other

I’ve found a new addiction – mind mapping my whole life. During one of my lunch breaks, I mapped out my University experience on MindNode. It’s awesome to see an overview of everything and creating links!

Next month


  • Keep up with the routine! βœπŸ’­πŸ’ͺ🏼
  • Stay on top of work before leaving to NYC


  • Ballin’ again – why do I love dressing up so much?
  • I’m meeting Chynna and Mutay in London after years, I’m telling you, YEARS of following each other on social media and reading each other’s blogs. I can’t wait, expect an even bubblier version of me that day!
  • I’m also meeting the one, the only Micah on the same day. Micah has been one of the biggest supporters over the past few months and has been an inspiration for years. I admire her drive in her career, her studies and her hustle so much. πŸ‘ŠπŸΌ
  • I’m going to New York, the city I’ve always dreamt about going to. I didn’t think I would ever go in my 20’s but I’m making it happen. Excited? Yes, OMG. Scared? No doubt. Excitement and eager to experience the US > fear? Absolutely. Bring it onnnnnn! ✨
  • I’ll be turning  21 on the 24th. In NYC. *emotional mess*


Discover what ignites your passion, that’s your real job here on earth, let it light you up and then find a way to share that with other people.

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I agree that feedback is so important – especially with regards to your career where there is so much potential to grow and be a better version of yourself. Sometimes it’s not just given to you; you have to ask – but people are more than willing to give.

I love that technology is becoming more of an important factor in medical science. I hear about people in Australia working in the health sector and saying there is not much going for medical technology. But I think it is slowly growing, so it’s great you are doing stuff with MedTech and bringing more awareness to technology in the medical sector.

Although I learned some Ruby I am not sure if I will use it much! I am more keen on learning JavaScript because I know it will really help me in my job and career, in the direction I want to go. Not to say that Ruby isn’t useful, but everyone’s situations are different. πŸ™‚

I’m glad you could relate to my post and found it inspiring ❀️ I love seeing other people being positive about their body, no matter what shape or size they are. LOL AND I just bought more Lululemon gear hahahahaha. HIGH FIVE.


Awwww you look lovely in the first photo! Yup, that’s how I usually feel when summer hits San Francisco, on random days of the year. So far there haven’t been any summer days this month, but it was oddly warm in March. πŸ˜› You’re gonna need them sunglasses in New York! (Actually I can’t promise you nice weather at this time of year, sorry dear hehe, but you WILL have so much fun regardless. New Yorkers don’t bat an eyelid about the weather.)

Hmm every time you write about work / tech things, I get confused to if you’re a student or a professional career mentor. It must be because you’ve accomplished so much! I really admire that.

I’m sorry to hear about your anxiety. Make sure you remind yourself that it’s not about conquering it so don’t beat yourself up when it does happen. πŸ™‚ Also, you do so many wonderful things that you enjoy and care about, and that’s the most amazing thing to do for your own healing! Proud of you sista.

As for that dude … (I just had to click on the link). Wow. I know someone who is like that too. He always randomly comments on things in my life (if I post on Facebook). So, he knows that I like mobile games and was making one for my thesis – one day he sends me a link to an article that says mobile gaming is not the future of the industry, and asks me what I thought of it. Eerily similar to this creep who attacked you. Creeps somehow manage to work their way into the deepest parts of us and attack from there. So don’t take anything they say, because it’s toxic.


Your May was full of so many great opportunities πŸ™‚ Also fun times, too, for you celebrated some great things like Hamdah’s birthday and Matt’s HackSheffield’s win πŸ˜€ I’m also excited for your New York trip! I know you’re going to have a good time!

I’m surprised you were surprised by the postcard. I thought I’d told you or asked you for your address? Maybe not? I did have like 20+ postcards to send, so maybe I didn’t consult you? LOL. Either or, I’m glad it made it to you and that you like it! Many yes to global friendships! <3

I'm sorry to hear your anxiety was strong this month, but I'm glad your self-care remedies have helped. It definitely helps when you have supportive friends and family members around you. And I still remember that punk giving you that unnecessary crap about the workout photos. Jeebus. You don't need people like that in your life!

I AM SO JEALOUS! You get to meet Chynna?! You have a blast with her and Mutay <3 I can't wait to see your blog post about that meeting. Oh, and your NY trip!


I remember you sending me a message just asking if I received it! This alone surprised me <3 Thank you so much, I really do appreciate it!

YES! I am so EXCITEDDDD! I've been wanting to meet Chynna for years, she's an inspiration to many – including myself!


Oh! Are you going to New York for work?


Hey Sakura! πŸ™‚

No, I’m going on holiday there!