February 28, 2020

February, For Me

February has been a month of celebration – as it always is every year. 😊 I’m looking forward to another month closer to spring and summer. 🌸

A month of celebration!
A month of celebration!

Main Highlights


  • 💇🏻‍♀️ I got a hair cut! I had 3 inches cut off 😬
  • 💖 Matt and I celebrated our 3 years together! He surprised me with a trip to Greece
  • 🎂 We celebrated Matt’s birthday this month
  • 🌹 We also had a wonderful Valentines Day together
  • 🎬 Matt and I watched some awesome films and shows this month
  • 👗 I’ve done a clear out of some of my old clothes that don’t fit anymore, and made space for new ones (all second hand from Depop)


  • 📆 This was my final month in my third rotation as part of my BT graduate scheme (time has flown by!)
  • ☁️ I’ve been doing bits of revision for my upcoming Solutions Architect Associate Exam


  • 💪🏼 Happy with my consistency at the gym – improving my pull-ups gradually


3 Things that made me happy

1. A big surprise

For our 3 year anniversary, Matt surprised me with a trip this summer to Greece. 😱 If you’ve read my previous Greece posts, island hopping around the different Greek islands last year was one of my favourite trips. I say this with everywhere I go, but with the Greek islands, I knew I wanted to go again. You can imagine my surprise when Matt’s gift – a digital letter revealing the surprise every hour revealed a travel itinerary!

The biggest surprise was that Matt managed to organise with my blogging friend, Georgie and her partner, Nick for all of us to meet again this year in Greece. It was such a thoughtful present, and yes, PAWGIE 2020 is so happening! SUPER DUPER EXCITED is an understatement.

2) The past 6 months in Platform Services

I’ll be writing a more detailed post on my rotation in Platform Services soon – but I have to say that I’m really happy that I took the leap and went into a team I knew nothing about. I’ve definitely come out with more knowledge, more skills and more questions as I roll off to my final rotation. This month I’ve been working extra hard on completing current projects and work as well as focusing on the career aspects of the job – i.e. is this area where I want to be?

You can read all about my BT Graduate Scheme here.

3. A chill month

After quite a hectic January, I’ve enjoyed having a pretty relaxed, slow February. The best part? I don’t feel guilty at all for spending most of my free time just doing nothing in particular.

February in Photos

February in Photos - a hair cut, superheros, Leeds, celebrations and BAU
February in Photos – a hair cut, superheros, Leeds, celebrations and BAU

2020 in Progress

Quick snippets of how I think I’m doing with my year goals!

🚀 = excelling
👍🏻 = on track
😶 = OK
👎🏻 = need to improve on

  • 👍🏻 Health — happy with my healthy habits, but I still need to be mindful of eating too much junk.
  • 👎🏻 Wealth — celebration month, ahhh.
  • 👍🏻 Environment — when I wanted to shop, I went for the most environmentally friendly option.
  • 👍🏻 Career — feeling pretty positive about the future!
  • 🚀 Online — especially applaud this month’s Inspiring Figures and checking out stats since the start of the year. 🤩

February Favourites

  • Films I loved: Birds of Prey, Sonic the Hedgehog and Marley and Me (first time I saw it!) You can read all my reviews here.
  • Shows I loved: Mr Robot (finished it early in the month, absolutely loved it. A work of art!) and Sex Education (the show I always wanted)
  • I’ve shopped second hand goods (almost new in all!) on Depop this month. Better for the environment and my purse!
  • I’ve been using Lush’s Shampoo and Conditioner bar as a replacement, helping me reduce my plastic usage. 🙌🏻

Quote of the month

Next month

  • Better weather would be great, maybe? 🙏
  • Starting my final rotation of my graduate scheme 🙌🏻
  • Matt and I are doing a weekend trip to (another) seaside! 🐠

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What a wonderful surprise! 🙂


It truly was! 😀


I am SO EXCITED dhjdhgjhgjs~~!!! It was so funny scheming trying to surprise you. OMG gonna have the best time! And I’m very excited to SEE Greece too! AAAAAAA how do you say “hyped” in Greek? I need to look this up.

προωθούμε!! Haha.

You are glowing in those photos. 🥰 So glad to see you had a fantastic month basically all round. You achieved a lot and you should be proud of the progress you’ve made at work, at the gym, and personally. It’s good to hear you haven’t felt guilt for “doing nothing” – we all deserve to have a break sometimes. I think I’ve probably done that a liiiiittle bit too much this month 😩

Thumbs down on my wealth this month too. We were spending a lot on accommodation for lots of our Greece trip, and the flights as well of course! But I did manage to save some, so I didn’t do all that bad.

Yas to clothes cleanups! I feel like there’s even more I want to clear out after last weekend’s clean out 😬

I enjoy other people’s monthly recaps more than my own. I haven’t done one in a while and I was going to start doing them again this year but I didn’t. I feel like a month goes by too quickly for me and I’d prefer to do them every now and then… 😩 But it was still really great to read yours because it sort of helped me remember my own achievements too. ☺️


προωθούμε!!! 🙏 It’s going to be so much fun, I really can’t wait for you to see Greece. You’re going to LOVE it, I know it! 🥰

Thanks so much Georgie! I know that feeling, January was basically that “ah shit, I’m exhausted, I’ve done it again. Done too much.” month so it was nice to just chill out this month and celebrate with Matt ☺️

You can start them this month or maybe next! I remember when I first started writing them, I felt a sense of relief and burden off my shoulders. It definitley is the most therapeutic blog post to write. I think that’s why I haven’t stopped since 🤣