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December 11, 2016 Life

April Showers

*Title reference to one of my favourite electro swing songs right now.

Does anyone else feel incredibly happy when a certain genre pops up? For me, electro swing is one of those genres!

Some of my all time favourite electro swing songs include Dramophone – Caravan Palace and Parov Stelar – The Mojo Radio Gang. Have a listen if you have a chance!

The good vibes I get when I’m listening to this type of music sort of describes how awesome the first week of December has been. Although it’s been another busy week at work, I’ve always made time to stop for 10 minutes, to meditate and to reflect on what I’m grateful for.

Every single day this week I’ve made an effort to highlight how I’m incredibly lucky for all the supportive friends I have and the unconditional love I get from my family.

If I had to describe my week in a soundtrack, it’d be a long hour mix of electro swing.

This week’s highlights:

Monday Flowers

I received some of the most beautiful flowers first thing on a Monday morning. I mean, it could’ve been worse.

Run up to Christmas

Who doesn’t love Christmas? The lights, decoration, the gifts, food, one week off work and (some) Christmas songs… what’s not to like?

I’m excited for Christmas because…

  • I received my first Christmas card of the year from Tara, all the way from South Korea! Thank you once again, I teared up reading the sweet message inside!
  • Signed, sealed, delivered all of the Christmas cards to my blogging friends across the world!
  • I have a few Christmas meals next week including a work Christmas party that I organised.
  • Christmas signifies the end of the year for me. I’m excited for the new year to start some new exciting projects

Placement Success

After work on Friday, I was surprised with an email saying that I was nominated for a Recognition Award scheme at work. I’ve always been the one who (whether that be my role as a shop assistant, intern, barista, you name it!) tries to excel and continuously dedicated to learning something new so I was beyond happy to know that I’ve been recognised for my efforts on placement!


It won’t be a blog from me if I don’t mention anything fitness related now would it?

I have just completed round 2 of FitnessBlender’s 4 weeks abs programme – it’s always a struggle every morning especially since it’s getting colder but I’ve been pushing myself and I am so proud of myself for doing so!

Although I’ve given myself a few cheat days since December started (because seriously, all the deals on chocolate and various Christmas lunches – it’d be rude not to!) I’m happy with how I’m progressing, my overall body fat has decreased and I’m starting to slowly see some definition in my body.

I think it’s always easy to feel demotivated after cheat meals but when I open up photos of how my body and mindset was like before I started exercising regularly and realising that I’ve come a long way is a positive push! If I’m brave enough by the end of the year, I’ll show you all a transformation photo for motivation.

Weekend Flowers

Here’s to another great week! ✨

PN in Greek

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