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August 30, 2019 Life

August, For Me

Always posing infront of colourful walls
Always posing infront of colourful walls


3 things that made me happy

1️⃣ Weekends travelling

Matt and I spent some weekends this month travelling around which has been a lot of fun! It has been great to get out of the day-to-day and do something different.

Visiting Blackpool was a surprisingly good weekend (we got lucky with the weather!) and Norway was beautiful even though it did hurt the bank a little bit.

Full travel posts coming soon!

Matt and I in Norway
Matt and I in Norway

2️⃣ Launched Pawlean 2.0

Matt and I worked together over July to recreate my blog’s theme. It may look exactly the same (with minor tweaks) but the tech behind it all is different to traditional PHP. You can read all about the details of the project here.

3️⃣ My second rotation

My second rotation as part of the BT graduate scheme is coming to an end after next week. Its been such a fantastic 6 months with the dev team and I’ve learned so much from everyone. I definitely have come out overall as a much more confident person in my technical skills and beyond. 😊

Looking forward to the next rotation in Platform Engineering! This is going to be a completely new area for me but I can’t wait to get stuck in.

August in Photos

Photos of August - health, travel and recognition
Photos of August – health, travel and recognition


Quote of the month

Next month

  • Starting my next rotation in Platform Engineering, I can’t believe I’m already on rotation 3!
  • I’m going a few UK trips over the weekends. 😊
  • I aim to get back into a good fitness routine – I’m pretty consistent every week, but I could do a lot better with my current split.
PN in Greek

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