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December 27, 2016 Life

December, For Me

The last month of the year is already coming to it’s end – how weird. I say this every year but it’s just crazy how life passes by so quickly – which is why we should always strive to do things that make us happy and be with people who make us happy!

A big kid with a big smile


  • I was rewarded on my placement for all the work I’ve done so far! I’m really excited to see what the rest of my placement has in store.
  • I started reading books and listening to podcasts by the minimalists and it’s inspired me! ✨
  • Watched Frozen On Ice – it was amazzzzzzinng!
  • Christmas happened. The 3 main things that made Christmas for me were family, friends and food.


The annual twin-sister photo by the tree photo. See last year’s here.
  • Decluttering attempt 1 – I managed to clear out and donate 4 – 5 bags of my old stuff that served no purpose to me anymore including old clothes, jewellery and the very little books I had. I also sold a few more “valuable” items on eBay and Depop!
  • Christmas was spent surrounded by my loved ones. I was overwhelmed by the love and thoughtful gifts from everyone, I am so grateful
  • ❄ After asking and asking, I finally got my sister to watch Frozen with me (it was a real challenge, let me tell you!) She didn’t appreciate my singing but I think she enjoyed it!
  • I received Christmas cards from all over the world – thank you, Tara, Georgie, Rezina, Cat, Amy, Chynna, Becca ❤
  • I’m not working in retail this year! It’s so freeeeeing!



  • The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying: A simple, effective way to banish clutter forever by Marie Kondo
  • Everything that Remains by the minimalists



I took the plunge this month and upgraded the current weights I use at home to the Powerblock Sport 2.4 Adjustable Dumbbells.

I found out about Powerblocks from FitnessBlender and since I wanted to decrease the clutter in the house, I thought an adjustable dumbbell would be a lot better than having multiple weights scattered everywhere. So far, I’m impressed!


A photo posted by Smack Bang Designs (@smackbangdesigns) on

How was your Christmas?

Next blog post will be in the future ~

PN in Greek

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