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December 29, 2015 Life

Eye see a problem

A photograph of my eye. You can vaguely see the edges of my contact lenses.

If you follow me on Twitter, you probably saw a rather angry tweet about my recent visit at my local Boots Opticians.

My mom recently got back home from a visit from The Philippines and found that there is a hereditary history of glaucoma on my mom’s side of the family. For those who don’t know, Glaucoma is an eye condition that affects your vision due to a build up of pressure in the eye.

The last time I had an eye appointment was at around a year ago, the optician recommended me to take the glaucoma test.

I had to go back twice because they were looking closely at the pictures of the back of my eye. Thankfully, at that time everything was okay but the optician did tell me to come by every 12 months to check if there are any changes. I didn’t know I had a history of glaucoma in my family so when I got this asked I obviously said no.

So I went to go get this checked as well as see if my prescription needed changing (and what a lovely excuse to buy new glasses!) I did arrive at my appointment around 4 minutes late because it’s Bank Holiday so it was busier than usual.

The guy at the desk told me that I may not be able to see an optician because of this and that I can reschedule or wait around to see if the next person was going to come. I chose to wait around.

A few minutes later, I asked the same guy again if the person has shown up. He didn’t reply the usual, “yes” or “no” He just said with an eye roll, “Just go sit over there.” So, I take a seat assume myself that I’m going to be seen because this lovely gentleman failed to tell me if I was or not. Thankfully, I got seen by a lovely optometrist who updated my prescription as well as tell me fascinating visual systems and eye facts! (Which I always love hearing about – I used to always excitedly ask questions when I went to the optician because AREN’T EYES ABSOLUTELY FASCINATING?!)

I told the optician about the recent discovery of glaucoma in the family and how I wanted to be checked again just to help me sleep at night as well as my mom ha! He said it wasn’t a problem, so took me outside to see his colleague who would perform the test on me. This guy was the first gentleman at the desk.

He wasn’t happy to see me again, this was obvious by his lack of smile and his words, QUOTE: “Follow me to the glaucoma testing room so you can quickly go” I tried not to hang on this too long because I thought he was just having a long day and was probably extremely tired. I mean – I was too – I had a long Boxing Day weekend at work!

But, when he got round to be doing the tests – he failed to explain to me anything he was doing, did it all as fast as possible without giving me TIME to compose myself (and my eyes) after the pressure gun and flashing lights. AND when the final test was done, what does he say to me? “Okay, that’ll be 25 pounds to the till please.” I thought he was going to tell me my results, help reassure me about the possibilities of the condition or just anything BUT THE MONEY I OWE? No, this wasn’t the case. So, I follow him to the till. Hand him over the money and he gives me my change and my cash receipt then says, “OK. Bye.”

What is wrong with this?

  • I don’t even have my sight test prescription update – SO HOW CAN I CHANGE MY LENSES/BUY NEW GLASSES WITHOUT IT?
  • I don’t even have a reassurance of the results of the glaucoma test
  • He didn’t give me a chance to say that I need to get a contact lens eye check too and sign up to the contact lens scheme.

I tell him about the contact lens scheme and how I’d like to apply for it during my next appointment. He tells me that, “You need to pay 35 pounds for this one if you don’t join the scheme. IT IS 35 POUNDS.” The way he exaggerated the amount if I didn’t end up joining was ridiculous. Sure, I was dressed in my university hoodie, joggers and my old running trainers but I think I could afford the next eye check if I didn’t end up signing up to the scheme.

He proceeded to book me in for my next appointment, again repeating how IF I DON’T SIGN UP ON THE DAY TO THE SCHEME (which I was planning to this WHOLE freaking time) THAT I’D HAVE TO PAY 35 POUNDS. Good lord. Yes, I get it. After I booked, he hurriedly repeated the, “OK. Bye.”

But no, I still didn’t have my prescription or results to my test so I wasn’t going to just leave. I asked about the test, he huffed and said, “It’s okay.” I waited approximately 30 seconds for him to say anything else, but nope, seems like that was all I was getting today. Oh wait, he did speak again though. “Ok. Bye now.”

I was about to just leave, so I turn but then turn back towards him. I remember my prescription. I ask him again about my prescription because I needed it to replace my current lenses that have my old prescription in. He didn’t wait for the explanation or apologised for forgetting to give it to me; he just picks it up from the desk and throws it at me.

Okay, maybe, “throw” isn’t a great word for it but visualise someone about to throw a frisbee. Now replace that with my prescription…  Sphere: -5.50, axis: 10; yep, that’s mine. And he doesn’t wait for my hand to take it, he just sort of… throws it at me. Or anatomically speaking “abducts” towards me.

At this point, I’m super annoyed. I just pick it up and go. Have you ever wished you did something at a certain point in time? Thought about how amazing it would’ve been if you did do it? Yeah, that’s me now. My mom kept telling me I should’ve told him straight up what his problem was because that was totally out of line. Not just his stuck up attitude but his failure to tell me about the possibility of glaucoma (THE WHOLE REASON WHY I WENT THERE???) Thanks for the reassurance! I’m sure “okay” is a satisfactory answer.

I’m not happy and will definitely be complaining next time I go there. I hate awful customer service and rude, ill-mannered people. Get. A. Grip! Have you ever experienced anything similar?

Anyway, sorry about this rather angry rant I hope you all have a happy new year! I don’t have any plans as of yet but to study for my January exams. Student life is the best life.

PN in Greek

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