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December 18, 2016 Life

Fixer Upper

With only one week of work left, I’m feeling pretty Christmasy! Seeing most of my friends travelling back home is a little strange to me. Usually, by this time I would’ve finished my last lecture, planned out my revision for the intense January exam period and gone to my retail job to help out with the Christmas sales.

It’s nice not to be working in retail over the run-up to Christmas, although I sometimes do miss my part-time job (for the wonderful people rather than the nature of the job!)

This is my first time in 2 years not working in retail over the Christmas/New Year period. Of course, I’ll still be working this week at University but it’s going to be quieter without all the students – it feels like a nice change!

The opening act with some of Disney’s favourites

Last Thursday I was gifted and surprised with a ticket to see Frozen On Ice. As a massive Disney-fan and Frozen is one of my favourites, I was super excited and of course thankful for the thoughtful gift.

It was funny seeing lots of little girls dressed up as Elsa or Anna, I must say I felt a little under dressed for the occasion (just coming from work!) I also received a few worried and strange looks from parents as I sang along and excitedly commented on how amazing it was throughout the whole show but I couldn’t help it! ?

I had been to a similar show a few years ago when I was 6 or 7 years old, I must say the magic hasn’t faded at all.

Overall it was a fantastic show! I was impressed with the dance co ordination during the songs. My favourite has to be “Fixer Upper” – the trolls were amazing.

The closing act was a remix of “Let it Go” but with other Disney characters, DO YOU SEE SNOW WHITE JAMMING ALONG? DO YOU?

It was my work’s Christmas lunch party on Friday too which helped with enhancing the festive feeling! I successfully organised the party despite initial problems. It went by smoothly (thankfully) and I had a blast socialising with my co-workers in a more informal way with Christmas quizzes and delicious food and drinks!

Also a big thank you to Chynna, Amy and Becca for their Christmas cards! ❤

How has your week been? Are you in the Christmas mood yet?

PN in Greek

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