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January 31, 2018 Life

January, For Me

Wowe – I can’t believe it’s already the end of the month and time to start looking back for this year’s first monthly roundup post!

Upon writing this, I had a quick look back at last year’s January reflection and honestly surprised by how much things have changed since (e.g. from working full time to going through exam stress) and how some things haven’t changed at all (like my obsession for GymShark, oops.)



  • ❄️ It won’t stop snowing.
  • 🐨 I had a quick catch up with Enyiie, she’s going back to Australia after spending a semester in Sheffield. I’m going to miss her sunny Australian personality!
  • 🌟 Clair mentioned me on her blog and it made me cry a little bit.



  • 🤓 As of posting this, I’ve completed three exams, one project and I only have one more exam then I’m free!


  • 💻I secured a big web development project
  • 📱I secured two social media management / digital marketing projects
  • ⚡️I worked with Kyle to help promote his great work on helping freelancers thrive. If you’re interested, you can check out the guide here and use the code PWL20 for 20% off!


  • 💪🏼 I’ve spent a lot of time at the gym this month! Slowly transitioning from home workouts to gym workouts where I’m able to lift heavier.
  • 😭 Bought some more Gymshark for more motivation
  • 🥑 I started Intermittent Fasting with a 16-hour fast and 8-hour eating window!
  • 💤 Worked on my evening routine – post on this soon


  • 👩🏻‍💼 Updated my website and CV a lot to make sure they capture what I can do and provide some value to others
  • 💫 Along with all the success in securing freelance work, I also failed a lot with countless rejections from places I had applied to last November but I’m seeing this as an opportunity to learn and keep going!


  • The Spring/Summer Code First: Girls community course has begun! I hit my 2 years of working with CFG at the end of this cohort, I say this all the time but it has been a blast and I am SO thankful.
  • 💖 Helping out new instructor community members with advice from everything I’ve learnt over the last 2 years. Also recruiting new instructors for the Sheffield courses – welcome to the family Tasneem and Simon!
Python CFG 2018
Python CFG 2018


  • 🎤 I secured a few speaking gigs this month! In the next few months I’ll be talking at Nottingham, Leeds, Sheffield about a range of different things from advancing community, blogging and wellness.
  • 🌸 One of these talks include a keynote at a college on International Women’s Day 2018 – I’m so honoured and can’t wait! Role models are key, I hope I can inspire some young girls to do whatever they want to do in STEM and beyond 🔑


1) Seeing rejections as opportunities

I tweeted about this, made an Instagram story about it and mentioned it above… But just to repeat: rejections suck.

But are inevitable.

I had my fair share of rejection over the years so I felt like I should be immune to the negative feelings associated with it but surprise, surprise, still hit me in the face. Mid-January, I let these feelings take over and I spent a good few days doubting myself, putting myself down and being hard on myself for not being “good enough”.

As I said in my previous post, shifting my thoughts to more positive ones hasn’t been easy, but everyone’s love and support along with my meditation and gratitude practise have helped me get through them. I also started reading more positive, motivating self-help books that have helped with the rewiring of my thoughts!

I’m choosing to look at rejection as an opportunity and not the end of the road.

2) Hitting the ground running on my health and well-being goals

I wanted to switch up my routine a bit this year, most significantly, I wanted to go to the gym more often to increase my weights (because weights at home are a little on the light side now.) Previously, I would just go on the weekends because I live quite a way from the gym but I’ve made more of an effort to fit in the gym in my day. It helps that Matt lives quite close by and the fact that he comes along now too. It’s been fun working out together!

January Gym-usage stats 🙌🏼
January Gym-usage stats 🙌🏼

My workouts are a lot more challenging with heavier weights and the walk down is added LISS which is a bonus. I’ve felt stronger and leaner this month which I’m happy about. Also, I’ve become much more confident in the gym despite some days when it was full of people I had known from school or university. 😆

In addition to this, I’ve really taken my sleep seriously and have made some sleep gains over the month! I’m averaging 7 hours and 30 minutes now, which is a huge improvement over my previous 5-hour averages. I’m hoping to continue this over the year! I hadn’t realised how much sleep impacts my health and well-being goals.

Also, I started doing intermittent fasting, more on this in a future post but so far, so great!

3) Powering through exams

I made it through exams. It wasn’t as bad as I remembered previous exams were. I’m not sure if this is because I felt more prepared this time around or if I’ve learnt to reduce and manage stress better this year (after a year of positive rituals!)
I’m thankful that my exams were spaced out which gave me more time for my revision and have time for myself and my projects.


January in photos!
Gym, WHY IS IT SO COLD, gifts, Cherry, CFG!


📚 Reading

Books: As part of the evening routine that I mentioned above, I have committed to spending some time reading. This month I read “The Happiness Advantage” – Shawn Achor. I love this book because:

  • It reminds me how far a positive attitude will get you. Shawn shares many stories on this!
  • It reminds me how exactly you can utilise that positive energy in life and work
  • It reminds me that happiness is a choice and that I want to always choose to be happy 😊
  • There are loads of fun science facts about the brain and its plasticity – reminding me that you can learn anything despite age/gender etc
  • It reminds me that happiness does not come after success, instead, happiness gets you to success!


  • And Then We Saved – An inspiring blog on making the most out of your money, getting out of debt and starting to save (something I need to remember to do and not blow all out on…)

💙 Health & Well-being

I bought more Gymshark (I know, I have a problem) I got the new Seamless Energy set in lilac and Nikki B’s Limited Edition Set in all black and a red sports bra! I did spend an awful lot on Gymshark (as usual) so I’m going to limit myself in the next few months.




Nourish – My new favourite healthy fast-food place!

🎬 Film & Music

Jumanji in IMAX. Technically watched this at the end of December but I need to include it. Hands down is the BEST movie to experience in IMAX. Definitely, recommend it!



⚡️ I WILL…

  • Take it slow
  • Appreciate every moment of the last semester of my whole Undergraduate career!
  • Actively express gratitude: Keep thanking those who have helped me as much as I can.
  • Remember to show kindness to everyone, and not bother with those that dislike me. I like y’all too. 😙


  • I’m going to the National Undergraduate Employability Awards in London. Crossing my fingers on the awards! I’ve been shortlisted for “Best Intern 2018” 🏅
  • Exploring Manchester and Leeds for career-related stuff
  • It’s a special month 💖
  • Starting my final semester as an undergraduate – I’m taking some fun modules, including a personal favourite: Human Anatomy 💀


PN in Greek

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