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October 11, 2015 Life

Just up to my clavicle

Wow, is all that I can say.

It’s been such a crazy, information-packed last few weeks since I returned to university for my second year, I’ve been meaning to make some time for blogging but honestly, the workload has been so overwhelming. My schedule has been: lecture, labs, lecture, labs, study, study, study, remember to breathe and eat, basically ultimate stress. I have to admit though, I like being busy and having a lot to do but the only thing I dislike is not having time to blog and read blogs.

University – Autumn Semester

The modules I have for this semester are interesting and so far not as difficult as I thought it would be, it’s more like A LOT of stuff at once. I’m especially enjoying my anatomy classes a lot from all the incredible names (I need to learn!) to absolutely amazing dissection sessions. I didn’t expect to enjoy anatomy, expected to be more scared but I haven’t had this much fun in my course since I first started university.

We also have a “careers” module this semester, although many of my friends don’t particularly enjoy it; because it is really daunting especially for those who have no idea what to do after university; I found it to be really motivating. I go to my part-time job now, even more, motivated to do well – not just to earn money, but earn skills I can use elsewhere.

The cut

Aside from all the work I’ve been doing, I managed to find time to get my curly hair that’s been growing back from my last chemical straightening process re-bonded again, it feels great having all straight hair rather than random curls popping around. I also got my long hair cut to just above my clavicle collarbone (what I said to the hairdresser: “up to my clavicle please”)

I decided to go for the cut because, during my first week at university, I found my long hair incredibly annoying. When I got it cut, I have to admit – I did regret it a little bit – but dang, the “heaviness” (of EVERYTHING) I’d been feeling especially since I got back to university went away. Okay, it wasn’t like cutting my hair helped with any of the workload but it sure felt like it! I’m definitely sure some of you can relate. ? If any of you guys are wondering where I got my hair done, it was at a Japanese-inspired salon called “City Head Spa” I believe they have branches across the UK. I can’t recommend them enough!

My current hair and style inspirations are Alexa Chung and Arden Rose. I’ve recently started watching Arden on YouTube, she’s super funny and has hair game on point (am I right though?) I recommend you all to take a look!

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I’ll be catching up with my favourite blogs now then finish off this lab report I have due in tomorrow. Gah, it all feels so overwhelming but I’m so ready to rock ‘n roll!

PN in Greek

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