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August 31, 2015 Life

Learning to cook! (properly)

The spaghetti process!
The spaghetti making process!

I’m a terrible cook. To redeem myself (sort of), I can bake (sort of) but cooking actual meals are a big no! When I do try to, it usually (almost always) turns out burnt and inedible or sometimes is just a mix of everything together to make a big lump of … smoosh.

One of my summer goals was to make something actually edible so that I can feel like a real independent young adult! Also, after seeing so many pretty dishes being cooked by friends, I’m wanting to do it myself. All the well-cooked meals with little decorations all over the surface, Instagram-ready and all that jazz.

A couple of years ago at school, we had a food tech class where we learnt how to cook certain things and just generally about food. Often, I was really hungry during the whole hour as the teacher went on about delicious-looking meals. Anyway, I wasn’t very good at the class unless we were baking things. I remember we were making chow mien once and I managed to make it taste like a plate of salty burnt toast, that gives you a picture of how bad I am at cooking

So recently, I took on the challenge to cook for my parents and their guests – I know, a little too extreme but I tried! I decided I wanted to make lasagne and spaghetti seeing as they are VERY simple dishes to make. I can’t possibly mess that up, surely.

I followed the recipes my dad gave me, I have to say I was pretty chuffed with the result especially for the lasagne. I have admittedly tried cooking lasagne for myself before but it always ended up turning into a heated mess*.

Out they go!
Out they go!

I really enjoyed the whole thing – although a little time-consuming, it’s really worth it as my constant hungriness was satisfied for a while! 😛 After this success, I am determined to really try cooking some more and who knows, maybe I can stop going to restaurants so frequently because I can do them myself 😉

Lasagne result, a little burnt but super lovely!
Lasagne result, a little burnt but super lovely!
Spaghetti result w/ meatballs
Spaghetti result w/ meatballs

What is the best thing you’ve ever cooked yourself? What should I attempt to cook next?

Also, I have a new layout up as you can see – it is responsive and was a pain to code but I’m pleased with the outcome! I still have a few bits to tweak but for now, I’m proud of it.

* Pitch Perfect 2 reference, hehe.

PN in Greek

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