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November 5, 2016 Life

October, For Me


October was the month where I saw a lot of progress in my fitness journey, became busier at work and connected with some great people professionally and outside of work. It’s also gotten colder, as many of you have probably seen from my many tweets about the weather – I can’t help it; it won’t be very British of me not to comment on it!

Main Highlights

  • Fitness: Like I said above and in my previous blog post, I’ve really seen a lot of progress in my fitness levels and physical appearance. Once I become braver, I’ll post a Transformation Tuesday photo somewhere here! Watch this space!
  • Nutrition: I’ve managed to control my diet well enough to start seeing some abs – I’ve never had abs in my whole life! Although I still have a lot to learn about nutrition and macros, my “clean eating habits” have made a positive impact in my life – I always feel so energetic! And hey, I don’t restrict myself to a cupcake a day like some people do.
  • My placement is going well, I’ve made great contacts and feel part of the team. I’m involved in exciting projects this year which I’m very thankful of!
  • New web development opportunity!

I’m happy because…

  • I’m getting better at my work/life balance! The last two years of studies and work has always been such a challenge but this year, I’m better at organising myself and prioritising my work and health when I need to.
  • People are great. I’ve met so many inspiring people over the last month, I’m thankful for the strong existing friendships I have as well as new friendships I’ve created with the most interesting people!
  • I am now volunteering for Science Brainwaves, where I help out with maintaining and editing their website. Although, it’s a small project I’m so happy to invest some time in for such a great organisation whilst sharpening my skills in web development.
  • Many of you also know that I have associated with Code First: Girls, I met the new cohort of participants this month and they were all so excited about tech – just like me! It also makes me happy to know that most of the recruits were inspired after reading my blog post and seeing my promotions on Facebook.
I’m in the middle in red!

Next month I will…

  • Stay motivated with my fitness programme – it’s been getting harder with colder mornings but I’ve been fighting it well!
  • Blog once a week – I did this every week last month apart from the last week when workload increased.
  • Start getting festive

Monthly favourites

  • Books:
    • Fitness Blender’s Nutrition Book – I highly recommend this if you want to understand food a lot more!
    • Girl on the train – started it and around the half way point already, but I LOVE it. If you’ve read it before, let me know your opinions – I’ve heard mixed views.
  • Beauty:
    • Nothing new!
  • Music:

Quote of the Month

You need to ignore what everyone else is doing and achieving. Your life is about breaking your own limits and outgrowing yourself to live YOUR best life. You are not in competition with anyone else; plan to outdo your past, not other people.

PN in Greek

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