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September 10, 2016 Tech

Pauline’s Pavourites: Apps


How great is tech right now? I’m so happy to be living in a time where apps can help make things in everyday life much easier.

I was reminded how great technology is from my busy week interning. Last week, I had the opportunity to attend an innovative conference, generate very forward ideas with other colleagues from meetings and observe amazing ways tech is implementing its ways into Higher Education.

Inspired by my placement, I want to share my top 5 life-changing free apps that have helped me every day, ranging from increasing my productivity to helping with my health and well-being – all a touch away!

1. calm-meditation-logo Calm

A lot of you already know this but I have been committed myself to engaging with meditation for the last few months. When I was starting out with mindfulness, I was trying out two apps – Headspace and Calm. I was quite indecisive on which I liked better, but I was finally swayed to Calm and even bought an annual subscription!

Daily quotes from Calm app

If you’re looking to start meditation and work your way upwards to a more peaceful mind then Calm is definitely worth looking at!

2.  Day Fitness Challenge

30 Day Fitness Challenge is exactly what the name suggests – an app that has multiple workouts (you can choose from abs, arm, butt or full body) and then you challenge yourself to complete them for a month. I’ve only had it for 2 weeks but I’ve not missed a day!

An inside of the app

I found that tracking things have made me more determined to keep going, Calm does this too – it tracks “streaks” which I find helps me whenever I feel lazy especially with physical fitness.

The gym I currently attend actually records in a similar way, that’s why I never miss a gym day (so far at least, ha!)

3.  MyFinances

A very useful app in sorting out your finances! You have to input every time money goes in and every time money goes out.

I have to admit, the manual input has made me more conscious of spending my hard-earned money which in turn has helped me save by making me think more than twice if that cute handbag really is necessary.


I don’t know about you but I have so many different passwords across my various accounts making it impossible to remember it all! But I do try multiple passwords with the hope of getting in, only for it to lock me out for a few hours frustrates me.

So, I decided to keep all my passwords in one place – LastPass is a great, secure app (requires fingerprint) in keeping my passwords safe and memorable.


From bullet journals, Google Keep and a bunch of other apps, I’ve finally settled to this one amazing, cross-platform app: Todoist.

It’s helped organise my hectic life tasks, work tasks, and other lists much more effectively! Much like Calm, 30 Day Fitness Challenge, this also keeps track of your productivity which is an encouragement for me to hit my daily target of completing 5 tasks.

I love how most of these apps have helped me save paper, save a number of things I need to carry around and of course, save time by being more efficient!

Have you tried any of these apps? What are your top 5 favourite apps?

PN in Greek

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