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October 2, 2016 Life

September, For Me

Took this after a long walk home after missing my bus, worth it for sure!

Writing up my second-round up post feels unreal, I can’t believe how quick September went by! September always tends to be quite fast-paced for me as a student and now, a member of staff at University because on both sides of the spectrum it’s always busy with preparation for the new term.

Despite being busy and everything going by so fast, I’ve found time to look up from my busy schedule and use the time I’m not working into activities that are valuable to me.

Main Highlights

  • I re-joined Zumba a week ago and really enjoying another cardio activity to do a week. Also, another one ticked off the New Year goals list! ✔
  • I had a relaxing weekend away from my little town of Sheffield to Nottingham and Loughborough.
  • Work, work, work.
  • Finally, have a steady fitness routine in place!

I’m happy because…

  • I’ve already seen results from working out, for example, I can fit into some of my favourite clothes I’d put away for a bit with the hope of getting into them again – just under 6-8 weeks, I’ve done it!
  • I’m getting stronger – weight by weight!
  • My placement #1: One thing I really enjoy, as with other jobs I’ve had in the past is getting comfortable with the general processes of the everyday work environment, much so that I have started to feel confident with handling certain tasks with little or no supervision.
  • My placement #2: I’ve enjoyed getting much more involved with activities and campaigns occurring in the University, especially those that I very much stand for! For instance, #WeAreInternational campaign. You can find out more about the campaign in the short video below:

Next month I will…

  1. Have a finalised Capsule Wardrobe for this Autumn/Winter season, I’ll blog about this in the future!
  2. Blog as often as I can (I’ve started slipping since summer officially ended), going to aim for one post a week.
  3. Keep up with the new lifestyle habits I’ve started

Monthly favourites

Books, both by Simeon Lindstrom

  • Self-Compassion – I Don’t Have To Feel Better Than Others To Feel Good About Myself: Learn How To See Self Esteem Through The Lens Of Self-Love and Mindfulness and Cultivate The Courage To Be You
  • The Minimalist Budget: A Practical Guide On How To Save Money, Spend Less And Live More With A Minimalist Lifestyle

Both have reminded me to add value into my life (with the things I buy, buying mindfully rather than “because I’m unhappy and materials make me happy” mindset) and of course, not to be too hard on myself. I enjoy showing compassion for others, sometimes we have to look at ourselves and do the same.

Beauty: Mario Badescu products are my new skincare routine, they make me feel clean and refreshed! Have you heard of Mario Badescu before?

Most played music: 

Walk With Me – Cosmo’s Midnight, KUČKA

 Quote of the month

Don’t get mad. Don’t get even. Do better. Become so engulfed in your own success & happiness that you forget it ever happened.

Let’s go October!

PN in Greek

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