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September 9, 2015 Life

Timeless Thoughts: Korean pop

Firstly, a big thank you to TC & Georgie for creating this blog column – it’s such a great way to go down memory lane with the blogging community! So for my very first entry of ‘Timeless Thoughts’ I’m starting off with my long love for Korean pop (K-pop) which I’ve been missing a lot recently. My long time blogging buddies may remember my older posts of love for Korean stars!

For those of you who don’t know, K-pop is korean pop music – you might’ve heard of it even if you’re not really into the k-pop scene because come on, who hasn’t heard of ‘Gangnam Style’? For the record, I was way into Korean pop way before PSY came along with that over played song.

2008 was the year I was introduced into the k-pop world by a friend with 2ne1. I was just 14/15 years old; still trying to figure myself out and what not; I have to say k-pop has shaped me in ways. You may be thinking that music shouldn’t affect me much but this did, especially for a girl still trying to find out who she was! Through k-pop, I found my inner confidence and love for myself both of which I lacked back then.

Let me try and paint the picture for you guys: before getting into the k-craze I was quite shy, often feeling left out at school because I was the only one in my friendship group who wasn’t white. They regularly would talk about who they looked up to from TV such as Brittany Spears, Hannah Montana, Spice Girls, Girls Aloud, whoever else was famous back then! I didn’t really have anyone I would talk about with such enthusiasm that these girls were talking about because none of them looked like me? I know that sounds sort of weird but I used to think like that when I was little. I remember a classmate saying that I was “just Asian” at one point – it made me feel like I could never be as “cool” and “popular” as my peers because I wasn’t like their role models. As I grew up, I did find stars to look up to who had a similar background to myself such as Vanessa Hudgens.

As I proceeded to high school, I found Korean stars who aren’t exactly from the same background as me but they intrigued me. Loving everything from their confidence, styles and as I look more Asian than my European roots – I just felt more connected to them (seeing as sometimes I was mistaken for Korean/Japanese/Chinese/any other Asian that was not Filipino way too often.)

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In no time, I was obsessed with everything in the Korea – culture, food, songs, dances, hairstyles, make-up! I have thank Korean stars for my now perfect winged eyeliner (perfect inspiration!). I just felt that they were my 14 year old self’s role models – I didn’t have to feel ‘outlandish’ just because I didn’t have bright eyes or light hair or was Asian; instead I took pride in it because I felt sort of like those really cool k-pop stars!

Well, that’s the background story of me and k-pop. It sounds quite sad but I promise, it shouldn’t be taken in a sad way! You’ve gotten this far without listening to any k-pop songs haha – here are some of my favourites. Some are quite old, I haven’t caught up with it for years now. I think I’ve grown out of it, but it will always have a special place in my heart ❤

2ne1 – I Don’t Care

BEAST – Bad Girl

Brown Eyed Girls – Kill Bill

BIG BANG – Haru Haru

Have you guys heard of k-pop? If so, any songs you’d like to contribute to the post?

Hope you all have a wonderful week!

PN in Greek

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