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January 7, 2017 Life

Timeless Thoughts: Rounders

Timeless Thoughts is a monthly link up hosted by Georgie and Tara, where bloggers write about something from their past – it could be an item, a place, an event – anything that evokes a trip down memory lane. Timeless Thoughts is held on the first Saturday of the month and runs for two weeks.

Being sick wasn’t the way I wanted to start my New Year. I had to take a few days off work but thankfully, my flu has now almost completely gone! The good thing that came out of being sick was that I got talking to a few of old friends who I went to primary school with. We spent a long time reminiscing about life before adult responsibilities started kicking in, I had mentioned about my new obsession with fitness and health and they reminded me of the time I was obsessed with rounders.

The best part of rounders: throwing the bat. Except we weren’t allowed to do that after someone hit another student in the face.

I actually remember hating rounders initially, I mean it seemed impossible trying to hit the ball with a rounded bat (they should be ‘flat’ bats I remember saying ?) I was so bad at it and the rest of the class knew I was really bad at it so guess who always, always got chosen last when the teams were being picked?

I don’t know what happened but it was another afternoon playing rounders with my class and once again my turn to fail at hitting the ball. I remember just wanting to get it over and done with as soon as possible, especially with mean kids saying, “Let me take her shot instead, she’s not going to score” comments flying left, right and centre.

There was that time though I didn’t screw up, I hit it and lemme tell you, girl, it wasn’t just your ‘average’ hit but one that went over the fences, onto the road, and ended up in another city.

It was really impressive for a lucky shot anyway. I didn’t even have to run to go around the circuit, I walked it like a boss (but seeing as I had no physical activity during that time, I couldn’t run if I wanted to anyway.)

When the next round of rounders came along, I was picked almost instantly which had got me worried that I wouldn’t do as well again. Thankfully I managed to understand how to play better, got better, and you see my obsession over the gym right now? That was me with a good ol’ game of rounders at one point.

Turning up to a game of rounders after one good game like:

My whole rounders experience summed up from one Beyonce music video.

Looking back I wish I got involved in more sports (outside of P.E) instead of sitting around and spending my spare time completing Ratchet & Clank which I actually don’t regret that much. I did get involved with Netball for a year or two but the cattiness from that didn’t seem worth it.

I think I wouldn’t do as well if I were to try again now but it was certainly fun being good at, at least one, sport back then.

My friends found it funny to see how much I’ve changed in this sense, I used to use any excuse in P.E to just sit out, and would be completely okay with not moving around for long periods of time. Nowadays, I find being sat down all day as being the worse thing I can do. Which is why I effectively use lunch breaks or any breaks I can to move (would you believe me if I said I did a quick HIIT routine during my lunch break once?)

PN in Greek

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